Construction & Development

Construction & Development

All stakeholders within the Construction & Development industry from developers and contractors to users and investors, are experiencing changes that challenge the traditional roles within the sector. Previously, the industry was characterised by strong players in their respective fields – the creative and innovative architect, the contractor focusing on buildability and the long-term investors with a keen eye on sustainable returns. Silo thinking was prevalent. That is no longer the case. Today, there are demands for sustainability and transparency in processes. The sharing economy is also set to challenge stakeholders, as it already does in other industries. In other words, everything is up for grabs, and the old, revered business models are already heavily challenged.

Increased competition, including from international players, provides plenty of opportunities for talented leaders and specialists in the industry. Still, the fight for them is more significant than ever – and they know it and understand their worth!

Where do we find the right candidate with the right skills in Construction & Development?

Our expertise in this specific industry allows us to understand the unique needs and requirements, enabling us to identify candidates with the necessary experiences, skills and education in Construction & Development.

Years of consultancy and guidance in the industry have given us a broad network of clients and candidates, where we have built partnerships that we can draw on to ensure efficient and successful recruitment. This experience also means that we understand what companies and organisations in this industry typically demand. We understand the entire value chain and can provide valuable advice to those of our clients who do not cover the whole value chain themselves. At the same time, we have great humility and respect for the proud traditions that also characterise the established players in the market.

With our specialised knowledge, extensive network and tailored solutions, we can effectively facilitate the recruitment process and advise companies in Construction & Development. Does your company need help with recruitment? Contact us today for a non-binding conversation and find out how we can assist you.

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