Apply for Technical Lead, Power Electronics

Personal details and employment

Attachments and GDPR

By applicable national and European legislation, we do not wish to receive sensitive personal data from candidates. Therefore, you are advised not to share sensitive personal data with us (e.g. racial or ethnic origin, political affiliation, religious beliefs, trade union membership, genetic and biometric data, health information or information regarding sexual orientation).

Please note that we do NOT wish to receive any CPR/Social Security Numbers, and documents containing these will be deleted for GDPR reasons. Therefore, please remove these numbers yourself before submitting documents.

Please attach your CV, application, and any other relevant documents.
We receive the following file types: txt, doc, docx, rtf, xlsx, xls, pdf, ppt, pptx and ods.
Attachments must not exceed 10MB individually and 14MB in total.

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